Arts & Entertainment are a massive part of our lives from apps and tools to fabulous gifts we wouldn’t have access to if we didn’t have the internet. The internet has expanded our reach for all we do. We all use technology in one way or another in our daily lives.

  • Shop Online.
  • Read or listen to books.
  • Listen to music.
  • Talk and chat online.
  • Video calls with family, friends, and even business meetings.
  • Work online from anywhere in the world.
  • Life can be more flexible for some of us now!

So what part of our lives isn’t touched, take a moment to let this sink in!

I have some wonderful places for you to check out below and I will always be on the lookout for more to share with you. Don’t forget to bookmark this page and my website so you can come back again and again!


Awesome Gifts: WOW, Awesome Gifts is the place to find all things needed for wine lovers and they have something for everyone. Especially those hard-to-buy-for people! I love just looking through their website and finding the most unique and nice quality products to buy for friends and family, and even business associates!  See the Awesome Gifts Here:

Wine Magic: This page is all about Fine Wine and what I refer to as Wine Magic. Because there are so many ways to enjoy Fine Wines! Go ahead and add Fine Wine to activities or at the end of your day! The WINE MAGIC HAPPENS! Relaxing, Calming, and Reduce your Stress with Wine Magic! The BEST way to end your day, spend time with your lover, and visit with friends! It’s all Wine Magic just waiting to happen! See the details and get connected with our Incredible Wine Access Here:

New Opportunities

Online Arts & Entertainment is also helping people find new opportunities for work and wealth. Learn more by requesting more information on the right side of this page. Go ahead and fill out the form and let’s see if this opportunity is what you have been looking for.

Dream Bigger Than Ever Before

My challenge today is to write a blog page on my “Dream Bigger Than Ever Before” dreams! In this life, I will manifest my Life Dreams! This is challenging! I don’t remember anyone in the past ever telling me or supporting me in making my dreams come true. WOW, writing that just made me feel really sad. It’s no fault of family and friends it’s me. I don’t think I asked for their support or even knew how to ask for it. Let’s leave the past in the past and move into my Dream Bigger Than Ever Before LIFE!

My Dream Bigger Than Ever Before Dream…

Maverick my son

My #1 why is my son Maverick, he is the most important person to me in my life. Mav is the biggest-hearted person I know and I am so proud of him. for who he has become. He has grown into a wonderful person! And WOW he can cook and is the best at seasoning food, it’s a gift of his and we love cooking together. Big movie watcher and he is the funniest person to hang out with. I wish him to be happy and healthy! If I can inspire him to believe in himself and achieve his big dreams is my dream! I would feel fabulous! I want to share my blessings with him and show him the world and the best life he can live. He is my #1 why!

Helping others with their Dreams

Helping people around the world achieve their dreams is a dream of mine. I want to be that person who tells them they can achieve all their Goals and Dreams. Making the world a better place is something we can achieve if we are open to helping each other.

For me to help others I have to help myself and get myself to the place and mindset to be here to help others. Focus on growing my business to help others grow theirs. Manifesting my success in 2023! I will grow my business to levels of CSI, PSI, and MSI.

My Wine Label

I have a wine label ready to go! Lisa G, Star Dust Chardonnay will be coming to you soon. I can just imagine this wine and my label sitting on the tables of friends and family. They are loving the wine! Sharing the wine with my label on it with them, nothing better! Another Dream Bigger Than Ever Before DREAMs! I love Wine and sharing wine with others. I have poured wine in wineries in the Livermore Valley in California. Well here is the wine label that I already see on a wine bottle! My happy place…

  • Pouring wine
  • Drinking wine
  • Sharing wine
  • Talking wine

A Home and a Cat Cafe where homeless kitties can be loved and adopted.

The love of a kitty is so very special and sandpaper kisses are the best!! I have seen so many kitties with no home and my heart just breaks! I love the new Cat Cafes that have opened up in the last few years. Fantastic idea and I will support this idea by having my own and giving as many kitties a home and a safe place to grow and thrive. This is my kitty Sprocket he is 11 years old and is the sweetest kitty I have ever had. He is part MainCoon so he has an extra lovable personality.

Being a Jet Setter

Traveling around the world staying in a villa in Italy for a month at a time. Always traveling first class! Of course, this is just the begging! Sharing my abundance with friends and family is what I want to do! the more the merrier is my motto and I got that from my MOM Dorathy M Karlson (Florentino is her maiden name). I see myself throwing long get-together travel trips with family and friends. Drinking the best wines, and having a wind suitcase to travel with will make it even better! DTC Ambassador Wines will travel. Eating the best foods and staying in beautiful resorts all over the world. Having at least a few homes that friends and family can also use even if I am not there. I want to share my blessings!

Over, Over and Over again the abundance of my finances, health, and relationships.

My Homes

A beach house is a must! California is home and the beach is my happy place. Very relaxing and it is in my blood and life! The house sits right on the sand and dunes, you just step from my back patio onto the sand, oh baby this is sweet! At least two stories are a must so you have ocean views from the decks of the bedrooms upstairs. It will be the place everyone loves to go to and relax. It has…

  • Two kitchens
  • Sleeps 18 people so my son invites his friends too. I am Momma Bear to Mav’s friends.
  • Hot Tube on the deck
  • Elevator for the elders
  • Views of the ocean
  • Volleyball
  • Large fire pit
  • Carved stair railing with mermaids. whales, manta rays, and turtles.

In the living room near the fireplace, I see my family and friends playing games and doing puzzles. Great fun is being had by all. Quilt retreats every year for my quilting girls. I can smell wonderful things from the kitchen. We have some great cooks in the family! I know the kitchen is the heart of a home and the warmth of conversations is key. The result is my home is and does feel like a home you can take your shoes off and relax and of course, stay a while!

House #2

Let me tell you about my Log Cabin home. Doing my research on the location now. It is near skiing, and water sports. Christmas at the cabin I believe will be a must-do! Looking forward to white Christmases and snowmen in the yard. Beautiful trees and green meadows to take walks. Read a book on the large porch that goes all the way around the house with multiple doors to get in and out of the house. The inviting kitchen is very large for all the great cooks in my family. The kitchen and the living room share the River Rock stone fireplace. Have you ever walked around a fireplace? They are beautiful! The family room and kitchen are open-concept.

  • A library and movie viewing rooms will be large with comfy
  • Oversized chairs and couches plus reclining chairs.
  • Hot tube is a must in all my homes.
  • Wine cellars
  • Bar with big beautiful mirrors and something with antique woodworking.

Dreaming Bigger Than Ever Before is happening now!

I Have Always Been a Dreamer kind of Gal!

At a young age, I remember being a dreamer! My Dreams are really BIG! With this said I am having to open myself up to being worthy of my dreams! I am worthy, I deserve all my dreams! MY mantra I say to myself now every day.

I have struggles believing!

Do you have that horrible little voice in your head that wants to sabotage your Dreams and everything else? Do you do this to yourself too? I think it is very common and a struggle for many people just like it is for me. I now am working on changing that recording in my little voice to make my dreams a reality and not sabotage them! Write out your mantra!

  • Tape it to your bathroom mirror
  • Put it on your frig
  • Have it in your car.
  • Read it every day and many times a day.

21 days and you can change the recording in your head! This is my goal!

Believing in yourself

I am just starting to believe in myself this year 2022! My blogging site which is what you are reading right now is the biggest reason why I am believing in myself now. I am working with an amazing team of people from RRR247. I believe in it! There is no going back to the negative in my past there is only moving forward to my big dreams! It is a wonderful feeling to believe in yourself and know I will achieve my big dreams!

  • You can achieve all your dreams
  • We believe in you
  • We will never give up on you

In Turn, I say

  • I can achieve all my dreams
  • I believe in myself
  • I will never give up on myself

The Other side of Fear

Never give up on yourself or your Dreams! Can I inspire just one person to really believe in themselves and to change the direction of their life? Rory and Tanya said my success is on the other side of my fears! I had to think about this one for a few days and really let it sink in. They are correct! Facing my fears! Resulting in them disappearing and my success started to flow toward me. Things feel different, and obstacles melted away. Life is easier! Your action items are simple and create forward movement!

Dreaming Bigger Than Ever Before, I will achieve my Dreams!

Will you?


Coffee, coffee, coffee!! Oh, what a wonderful thing coffee is! We all have our go-to coffee because we like how it makes us feel! It gets us going in the morning and keeps us going in the afternoon. Did you know coffee is the #2 commodity in the world just after oil? So what is your go-to coffee? Brewed in a pot because you need 2+ cups to get going? Or are you more of a refined coffee drinker and you French Press your coffee? It doesn’t matter how you prefer your coffee you can lose weight by drinking it daily. Keep reading to learn how.

Coffee and Plos thermo

The benefits!

  • Contributes to a Healthy Metabolism
  • May Help Support Appetite Control
  • May Help the Conversion of Fat to Energy
  • Contributes to Healthy Lipid Synthesis
  • Supports Healthy Weight Management
  • Plays a Role in the Metabolism of Nutrients

Bring on the heat to every cup with a creamy smooth consistency and flavor boost.

3 Ways to help your body composition goals

  1. Eliminates calories from unhealthy fats and sugar in your coffee.
  2. Helps control daily caloric intake.
  3. Improves metabolism.
a red Plos packet (SNAP) folded in half with a drop of Plos dripping out the bottom.

This is a “SNAP” that you simply squeeze into your favorite hot beverage and enjoy. It’s a non-dairy creamer and enhances your already favorite brew with Vanilla. We also get to enjoy weight loss! Oh, you can put it in your cold coffee and or tea too. Summer always calls for iced coffees and teas!

Bio-hacking non-dairy creamer enhances our mood, uplifts our spirits, and helps with thermogenic properties to burn that stored (unwanted) fat. What more could you ask for?

Do you know what makes a morning with Coffee even better?

  • Vanilla non-dairy creamer
  • Lose 5-10 pounds of unwanted fat and inches a month!
  • Can be hot or cold
  • A natural decrease in portions – not so hungry!

I think of myself as a good eater and healthy eating, I love to walk and do it every day, I love the finer things in life so I am always looking for the next fine thing I can find! Life is so short drink good wine first! Eat the best foods when at all possible! And have fabulous chocolate!

“My Cake”, I think we all know what this means!

We want it all! I want to wake up and feel happy and energized, excited for what I get to do every day, and to focus on my family, and my goals which include.

  • Financially Abundant
  • Mentally sound and healthy
  • Physically healthy and strong
  • Spiritually right with myself
  • True to myself

Being right with all these things myself will help me to achieve my goal and dream of helping as many people as I can to achieve freedom in their own lives! Helping others is a gift to myself! Seeing others grow and become abundant in their lives is a beautiful thing!

Sharing quality time with others, and eating a great meal paired with a glass of truly fine wine is a gift in life! Amazing food and wine are one of my favorite thing to do!

Coffee. Coffee, Coffee! Do you have your Cake and Eat it too in your life? Well, mine was a battle to try and maintain my weight and it always went up and down. I haven’t been able to keep any real control over it. Think about how wonderful you will feel taking this creamer Plos thermo! My results have been fantastic and I want to share them with everyone. I just feel so good when I take it and you should too!

My Solution – Plos Thermo

coffee and wine

We can now have our cake and eat it too because we have support from this wonderful product! Enjoy life in all you do and in any way possible that makes you satisfied and happy! You deserve it all!

Don’t let Life Stress you out, take control!

If you need help with bills… be sure to check out the business side of this wonderful company that has produced this fantastic product and more! Information is on the site when you go and place your order. Fill out the form to the right and request a 25% off coupon from me before you order!

Check out this page to Enhance your health and weight loss, You need to add the power of Bio-Hacking! See it here!!! 


Churros are just the Best, aren’t they? They are loved by all! But a good quality home-based maker and mix have been hard to find until now! You can find these yummy little gems all over the place! They taste amazing when they are warm and just cooked! The BEST is always fresh! The most common places to find them are the State Fair, Art and Wine festivals, Concerts, School events, and now your home!

Simply said the BEST Churros are the FRESH Churros!

Making your own Churros at home is going to change your LIFE! Think about the variety you can make and serve for a Sunday Football Gathering with Friends, or Movie Night with the family! Any event is going to be improved just because you now make FRESH Churros at home! The LOVE you are going to get from your friends and family will be awesome!

Churros, Churros, and more Churros!

Black back ground with How to make the dough directions for home made churros.

This company is truly a GEM and it’s all about Churros.

  • Do It Yourself Churro Making Kits & refills
  • Take and Bake Kits (no making just baking)
  • Seasoning Sprinkles (Normal-Warm-Inferno Cinnamon Sugars)
  • Monthly subscription
  • Group orders for Corporate Events and Parties.
  • They ship worldwide

Go ahead and dream about a FRESH HOT Churro in your own home today!

The SMELL alone will get your mouth to salivate! It probably is right now! Nothing better than having your home smell like Churros! Oh what a wonderful smell, right? Your kids, guests, and anyone will go crazy when you make them at home. You will be the house all the kids want to go to for the sleepover, just to have those yummy Churros!

This company makes its own award-winning churro dough from scratch and then handcrafts every churro, frying them to golden perfection! Sprinkle them with the Sugar Cinnamon and they are ready! Just bake and serve. Take-N-Bake Churros are so convenient for those Pot Luck events. All of us are so busy these days we want things fast and easy and these take n back churros are just that, easy!

These churros are artisanally-made in small batches, their sizes, color, and shapes may vary for just that reason.

Get access to all this YUMMINESS here!

Because we all LOVE Churros young and old we will want to keep these kits or some Take-N-Bake ready to go in our homes! The unexpected guest is one of the big reasons I keep these on hand. All events can be made magical with the right snacks, foods, wine, or whatever it is you love to sip on. In my house, it’s Wine Time all the Time!

Don’t forget your WINE!

Just to name a few gatherings and events you would benefit by having the fun and convenience of these kits and Take-N-Bake ready Churros delivered to your door.

  • Birthday Parties
  • Date Night at home
  • Christmas Gifts (Any holiday gift mailed to their door)
  • Anniversaries
  • New Year’s Eve and Day – start new traditions with your family by making Churros!
  • Work Parties or Celebrations
  • Family Movie Night


The memories you can make with your friends and family are priceless! I make as many as you can as often as I can. Try it I promise you will enjoy making them too!

Churros are kind of like donuts, they are soft fluffy little bits of yumminess! They are always good anytime and for any occasion. With tea, coffee, juice, and Fine Wine, Yes I said Fine Wines!

This is a must-have kit in my home and I have it with wine, discover the secret about the pairing of wine and churros.