Wine Magic

This page is all about Fine Wine and what I refer to as Wine Magic.  Because there are so many ways to enjoy Fine Wines! Go ahead and add Fine Wine to activities or at the end of your day! The WINE MAGIC HAPPENS! Relaxing, Calming, and Reduce your Stress with Wine Magic! The BEST way to end your day, spend time with your lover, and visit with friends! It’s all Wine Magic just waiting to happen!

Below is a video about the Fine Wine you can have and Experience

Believe in pampering YOURSELF!

Wine Magic! Because everyone deserves it in Life, and all you need to do is believe!

Let us start with A Relaxing Bath! WINE MAGIC starts out with a relaxing thought of a HOT Sea Salt or Bubble Bath and a Glass of Fine Wine.  Maybe a Dark Rich RED, or a calming smooth WHITE!  Some candlelight for ambiance and you have created your space of calm.  A place where you can relax, de-stress, and just be you.  Forget the daily stress, the work that didn’t get done at the office, or maybe the hard day with the kids. You deserve to be pampered!

Have you been waiting for this moment all day? This time is for you! You and your glass of Fine Wine, maybe a book and some relaxing music.  Your time of Peace, Quiet, and Relaxation. WINE MAGIC!

Where you can just BE…

I would add more hot water, pour myself another glass of that Fine Wine, and prolong the Peace, Quiet, and Relaxation! WINE MAGIC take me away!

Create that Love moment with Wine Magic! I guarantee your lover will respond to you and that fantastic glass of Fine Wine! Entice them into the moment, go ahead and let yourself get romantic! Go on a date! Go on a picnic! Make time for your lover. No cell phones, no computers, no TV!  no Kids! Just the two of you, some Fine Wine, and the Wine Magic is guaranteed to happen.  Be in the moment with your Lover!

YOU BOTH deserve to be together and Enjoy Eachother!!

HOT TUBES & WINE! What a combo!!  An awesome idea if you ask me.  Outdoors, under the Moonlight, the Sun, and as the Sun sets think about those colors. Reds. Oranges, Yellow, Light Blues, beautiful!! With a cool breeze and a glass of Fine Wine, it’s time to enjoy the fresh air, the bubbles, and massaging of the jets on your Back! Oh, what a feeling! Feet are my favorite!  Reflect on your day, your week, and your life. Think about the future you want to create for yourself!  Let the Wine Magic take you to another place and time. Let your Dreams Fly and Manifest that LIFE you want! See it because you deserve everything YOU want in your LIFE!

Make any Meal an “Event”

Fine Wine always makes dinner into an EVENT! It doesn’t matter if it’s just you, or the two of you, or with a group of friends. It just changes the energy and makes it MAGICAL! WINE MAGIC! Because when you pair it with the perfect foods, WOW! Food pairings are actually easy to do just keep it simple start with fruit, cheeses, and chocolate. Wine Magic will be happening with each taste, sip, and conversation!

Many of us do not know enough about the different wines and different varieties of wines.  More so, we have not experienced enough of these different wines to know what pairs best with them. Learn more when you Check out my Wine Pairing Recipes page. Maybe you have been fortunate enough to get suggestions from a sommelier (Wine Stuart) at a 5-star restaurant, or maybe you have a knowledgeable wine friend who can help you with the pairings. Either way, enjoy learning how to create an EVENT with WINE to create WINE MAGIC!

Girlfriends and Wine go together like PB&J sandwiches!

wine magic

Ladies, you know when we get together it’s all about the wine and laughs because we always have some kind of inside joke and usually, we get into some sort of trouble. We do love a little trouble when we are together! Ladies, we know how to enjoy ourselves! We can relax together in a cozy environment in our pajamas enjoying a romance film marathon or dressed to the “9’s” out on the town.  Because Friends and Wine are always a great pairing!

Everything is made better with Fine Wine!

With our Exclusive Wine Club, you not only get access to some of the best wines in the world but also the Finest Wines delivered to your door each and every month. You will learn and want to share your wine with others, no doubt about it!

The Finest Wines from the Napa and Sonoma Valleys

Think about pairing! These wines are fantastic to pair with anything!

Fine Wine and Grapes, Soft White Cheese, and Blue Cheese crumbles are incredible with a White Chardonnay. Your MOUTH is going to have so many new experiences! Try melon wrapped in Proscuitto Ham and the right Fine Wine will make that Mellon and Ham sing in your mouth! Margarita Flat Bread is amazing with a Pinot Grigio I love the crisp white wines in the Summer! You think this is crazy but it is NOT! Sometimes simple is the way to go and it will make WINE MAGIC in your life!

Don’t miss out Go Here to Enroll and Get Your Fine Wines Delivered To Your Door

Our Wine Club has the best to offer you out of any club! You can be a member or make it a career, it is up to you. We have full-time, and part-time people and they are getting free wine every month. I am so happy I found out about this and I joined so I could also get free wine. The extra money isn’t bad either.

The Finest Wines Worthy of your Wine Cellar

As you build up your personal Wine Cellar with 4, 6, or 12 bottles a month you will always have things to celebrate in your life! What better gift do you take with you or pop open for that special celebration? Maybe an upcoming announcement, promotion, graduation, or dinner with friends. Because LIFE should be full of memories, why not make them awesome memories by adding Wine Magic?

Go ahead Enhance the party, the gatherings, or a romantic party of two with the best wines in the world from Napa and Sonoma California. Get yours now with Our Wine of the Month club.

Fine Wine Delivered to your Door?  Don’t miss out! Go Here and Get Started.  You are about to Enjoy and Get Access to a Better Way of Life with Fine Wines.

CURST Kosmetics are Magickal

Curst Kosmetics are Magickal and it’s a very unique company. You will want to go and check them out! The makeup is Cruelty-Free, 100% Vegan, Smudge transfer-proof, and Magickal! Curst Kosmetics was established in 2018 and is going strong! This is a unique and fantastic company that has been inspired by an episode of Ghost Vlogs. Mariel was in a crawl space and wished she had long-lasting lipstick that wouldn’t need to be reapplied. Could you imagine being in a cramped crawl space doing take after take and you are hot and sweating? Trying not to show it! Nothing would stay on your face or lips in this situation! It’s Crazy how and when Inspirational ideas come to us! We all can thank that crawl space for some wonderful makeup.

A little about the Madam of CURST KOSMETICS

Mariel Pabst is the “Madam” of Curst Kosmetics World of Makeup. Mariel is also a Professional Paranormal Researcher and Ghost Hunter. She has completed Ghost Vlogs (Est. 2017). The 1st season can be seen on Amazon Prime, Vidi Space, and YouTube. Check it out!

Mariel has always been drawn to the Supernatural and Tales of Witches! This is why we have a makeup company with the Halloween/Witch/Supernatural theme to it all! We are lucky Mariel started this fantastic makeup company! 2023 is Curst Kosmetic’s 4 Birthday in business so let’s help her celebrate by supporting Mariel!

Curst Kosmetics is a:

Magickal Curst Kosmetic Products – Just to name a Few

Spell Casting eye makeup with glitter vibrant color of blues, greens, purples and rusty reds.

Spell Casting Multi Chrom Liquid Eyeshadow

Last time Curst Kosmetics released the Spell Casting Multi Chrom Liquid Eyeshadow they sold out in 30 minutes! You will all just love the color combo Mariel put together on these amazing eye shadows. She created 4 unique color pallets with super fun names!

  • ABRACADABRA has warm greens, light/tan pinks, and dark burgundy reds with just a hint of rusty warm orange.
  • HOCUS POCUS has warm med pinks, dark purples, and a dash of warm greens.
  • BRUJA is all about warm shades of blues and greens.
  • ENCHANTMENT goes from warm green to fantastic blues and purples!

Go here to see them all.

Spell Book – Eyeshadow Palette

Curst Kosmetics has many wonderful palette combos for you to choose from below is just one of the many. Make sure you check them out here!

  • Shade names in order:
  • Bones – Sticks and Stones – Charm
  • Conjure – Wand – Potion
  • Love spell – Sacrifice – Spell
  • Hex – Binding – Craft
  • Magic – Moonshine – Spell Book

Lip Potions – Matte and Gloss

Curst Lip Potions (Matte) are Magical and the BEST Lip Gloss I have ever used! Imagine lip pigmented and made to be long-wearing. It’s true! Truly the lip potions last about 11 hours and that just blew my mind! They are transfer-proof, smudge-proof, and Kiss proof! No more lips on your wine glass or on your teeth even! What a relief, right ladies!

CURST Kosmetics are Magickal

Summing it up Curst Kosmetics has great products and they are so fun! All with wonderful colors and fun stuff to choose from as gifts. Right now you can get 15% off your order! This makeup is put on and stays on!

  • Cruelty-Free
  • 100% Vegan
  • Smudge transfer-proof

Don’t let this one slip by check them all out here! You will love what you see!

Wine and Prohibition

Wine and Prohibition in the United States was a sad time for the industry and our wine history. Prohibition was from 1920 to 1933 and it was a constitutional ban which meant people voted this into law. In fact, people felt tricked into a “YES” vote, they were led to believe wine and beer would still be allowed. It wasn’t! Prohibition was a ban on the production, importation, and transportation of any type of alcoholic beverage including Beer, Wine, and Whiskey which in time also included MoonShine!

2 men with wine barrels, one is pourong our a barrel. This is during prohibition 1920-1933

Stocking up!

Thank goodness people are creative in the USA! The fact that people knew the law was going to go into effect they started stocking up on wine! The public bought a total of 141 million bottles of wine in a 3-month period.

Wine and Prohibition – Vineyards Survived

Wine and Prohibition led to many vineyards being ripped out of the ground! The Legacy of these vines will be gone forever. We will never get them back! Who could believe they would do this to the vineyards? The greatest news is people found loopholes in the law that allowed some vineyards to stay open and produce grapes and wine. Wine and Prohibition unusual outcomes!

old picture from the prohibition era of a wine brick that were sold as a home wine kit.

Wine Making at Home

The fact of the matter is this would be a great hobby! A “Wine Brick” is what people used to make wine at home. The picture on the right has the recipe right on the advertisement. So very clever! You could legally produce 200 gallons of wine for personal consumption in a 1-year time frame. Oh, yeah!

Sacramental Wine

Catholic services allowed a few wineries to stay open. This was the sole purpose of production and sales. Love those Catholics! Law enforcement caught on pretty quickly to this one and started revoking the permits the wineries had.

Surviving Vineyards

Wineries that survived prohibition and who have historic stories to tell us all! I believe the below list is of California wineries.

  • Beaulieu Vineyards – known as BV
  • Pope Valley Winery
  • Concannon Winery
  • Beringer Winery
  • Louis M. Martini
  • San Antonio Winery (Los Angeles)
  • Bernardo Winery (San Diego)

Farmers Replanting the fields

Many of the farmers replanted the fields with peach, cherry, prune, and pear trees. You can always make a fruit wine and keep it a secret! Some farmers also did keep a few acres of vines if they could get away with it. The phones these days were mostly party lines so the farmers came up with code words for the wines. An example: Zinfindel’s code word was Black Chicken, I would never have guessed!

Wine and Prohibition

In conclusion, I am very happy to be living in this time and not during prohibition! I love my wines and would not want to give them up! Learn more about my love of wine here.

Check out some other interesting facts about wine corks or wine etiquette on these pages.

Go ahead and check out my favorite wine of the month club featuring Fine Wines from Napa and Sonoma California. No better region to grow wine grapes! These are all small-batch wines so very limited you much act fast!

Wine Season is all Seasons

Wine Season is all Seasons! Wine is a year-round celebration for people. I hope this opens your eyes to wine culture because it is not talked much about in daily conversations. It’s always Wine Magic Time! I started to learn about some of these tidbit facts as I became a wine taster and enthusiast. The monthly wine club I am in gives you much more than the Best Wine from Napa and Sonoma California. So let’s get started!

man and woman dressed for a formal night out, man in navy uniform 1967

Raised in an Italian Home

Because I was raised with an Italian Mom named Dottie and a Swedish Dad named Vernon we had wine and fun always. A little crazy yes, but was in a fun-loving environment! Family and celebrations were BIG in our house with 4 sisters, mom and dads birthdays alone gave us lots to celebrate. Mom loved the holidays so we always had big gatherings at the house. Dad was a Navy Guy and Mom was in the Navy Wives Club and they knew how to throw a party! I think you get the picture now of how much we celebrated in our lives. I loved it!

Just a shout-out to my Dad Vernon who is 100 years young on Sept 6th, 2022!

In my family, we started sipping wine with meals when we were about 10 years old. Being exposed to wine with food at a young age was so much fun! None of my friends at this age had ever tasted wine. However, I think I was so fortunate to do this because I learned moderation and the wonder of wine and food pairing. My Mom had these little tiny wine glasses she served our wine in at the table so truly just maybe 2 oz of wine. Not much but we all felt included in the family celebrations because we got to sip wine with dinner.

What is your wine culture from the past?

Moms Wine Pairing

Mom paired her spaghetti sauce with a Cabernet Sauvignon and she added it to her sauce so the flavor of the wine and the sauce always complimented each other! I still do this to this day when I make Mom’s spaghetti sauce! It didn’t matter if it was spaghetti or lasagna her sauce made everything better. We also had Chianti an Italian Red wine in the house often and Mom paired this one with pizza. My grandfather on my mom’s side of the family was 100% Italian and he loved his wine with dinner! I love it also with meatloaf and a salad with strawberries.

Wine and Holiday Celebrations

Wine Season is all Seasons and Let’s talk about holidays and the fine wine you can get delivered to your home for all of them. A monthly wine club is your answer to this little problem! Holidays just aren’t the same if you don’t have wine with dinner and Sparkling wines for those special toasts. Learn more here and see for yourself! We have small batch wines so if you want to get in for this year’s holiday shipment then act now.

Wine Season is all Seasons!

Holiday wines should be special and paired well with your food. The Fine Wine Club has tasting notes every month that you can find on the website. These notes can help you pair your meals with the Fine Wines you will be receiving every month in the club. The guidance of these notes is invaluable to anyone wanting to learn more about wine and pairing.

The uniqueness of this club goes so beyond any other club I have been in or heard about. You can earn free wine go ahead and find out more here.

How to Wine? Wine Tasting Etiquette

How to Wine is all about Wine Tasting Etiquette and how to have a successful day of tasting. This is the beginning of a whole new experience and I want you to get the most out of your day. I have focused on helping all who are interested in learning about wine and tasting. New or experienced wine tasters will learn about the etiquette of wine tasting with the basics of How to Wine! Have fun with your journey, enjoy the ride, and please don’t get too hung up on any one thing it will become easier in time.

Enjoy your day out, Wine Tasting!

While you are out at the wineries I want to ensure your enjoyment and success of the day by keeping the below items in mind. Many people just go tasting and figure they will learn along the way but think again! How to Wine, is important, be proactive and start learning before you go, the people around you, and those you go with will appreciate your knowledge and consideration of the whole experience. Never take How to Wine, Wine Tasting Etiquette for granted! You want the experience to be the best it can be! You will have a great time impressing your fellow wine tasters with your new knowledge! Own it and enjoy it, my friends. Go here to learn about Wine Magic!

Very Important Items to remember! Wine Tasting Etiquette

First thing…

You should never wear heavy perfumes, lotions, or aftershave colognes when you are wine-tasting! This truly does interfere with your tasting pallet and sniffer, you know your nose. Plus it will also disrupt those around you in the same manner so be thoughtful to others. People who taste regularly are frustrated when they end up near something with perfumes, lotions, or aftershave colognes. It will mess with your experience of the wines you are trying to smell and taste. This is a BIG NO NO in the winery-tasting world!

Second Thing…

Also very important! Have a designated driver for your day. When it comes to How to Wine, Wine Tasting Etiquette you can and should have a designated driver. Many wineries will give the designated driver free bottled water. Wine tasting is something you want to pace yourself with! Wine goes to your head fast so remember Spitting the wine out is acceptable and encouraged by the wineries. Wineries are not BARs so don’t treat them like they are. Wineries have areas where you can relax and visit with your group, so pace yourself, and spit away tasters!!

Third Thing…

Let us get to the How to Wine, wine-tasting etiquette of tasting! Start with a Swirl of your wine in the glass and let it breathe just before you inhale deeply into the glass and take a sip. Swirl and taste the wine in your mouth for a few seconds. Some people refer to this as chewing the wine. Think about what you are sensing and tasting around your tongue. What area of the tongue are you tasting it? You will want to repeat this 2 to 3 times to really figure out what you are tasting. You will find as you sip and taste the wine it will reveal new flavors and sensations in your mouth.

Take your Time!

Take your time and if the winery has notes about the wine read them! See if you are picking up and tasting the same flavors and aromas. All of this will help you start to identify the characteristics of wine. Make your own notes of what you are getting with each sip. It will change from the 1st sip to the 3rd sip. This is one of the fantastic things about wine tasting. Be open to the surprise!

The Basic Taste areas and The 5th taste is UMAMI

I found a Japanese scientist who was the first to discover the savory taste of the amino acid glutamic acid, which was found to occur in soup stocks made with seaweed. This fifth basic taste – alongside sweet, sour, salty, and bitter – was named umami, meaning “savoriness” in Japanese. See if you can identify where you are tasting the flavors on your tongue.

Fourth Thing…

Finding wine you want to take home will happen when you are out tasting. If it is a HOT day you will want to bring another cooler with ice packs to help keep the wine at a reasonable temperature. Heat is not a friend of wine so be prepared! Once you get home and unpack your wine you will want to store your bottles in a wine frig, the back of a dark cool closet, or maybe a basement if you have one. You will want to store them on their sides so the corks stay moist.

There are many different types of corks, Natural Corks, Synthetic Corks, and Screw Tops to name a few. See my page on corks and the pros and cons of each type. Your wine will last a year or many more if stored correctly. Some wines are meant to age and some are not. Talk to the pourer at the winery and ask them questions about the wines. I have some wines that are over 10 years old and they are fine.

Not sure what to wear for your wine-tasting day?

3 woman on a hillside with a river view and with wine glasses watching the sunset.

For my fellow woman, I suggest flats or low heels for shoes due to so many wineries having gravel, cobblestone walkways, grass, and all that can be tripping hazards with heels. I love summer dresses but what works for you is what is important. Some say sophisticated attire is best but I say be comfortable, you will be out for several hours and you just might sit on the grass with a blanket for your picnic. Now for men, they are easy! pants, shorts & loafers, sneakers, They are always flat! Just be clean and presentable NO torn shirts guys! How to Wine, Wine Tasting Etiquette is a real thing! So go dress up and or keep it more casual. You decide for yourself but I say again be clean and presentable.

Are Kids Welcome?

Most wineries are fine with kids coming but consider only taking them if they are old enough to be well-behaved. No one wine-tasting wants to hear a screaming child or deal with someone else’s kids running around when they are out doing an adult activity. Anyone under 21 is not allowed to go up to the bar where you will be doing your tastings so I suggest if possible getting a sitter. If you do bring your kids make sure you consider others at the winery. Keep your kids under control. Plan a picnic and bring a blanket so you and the kids can enjoy the outdoors and the beauty of the winery.

Our Fury Friends

If you are an animal parent and you want to bring your furry friend(s) with you wine tasting is usually fine with most wineries. I have seen many people with their furry friends at wineries. Always have a leash, water bowl, snacks, and poop bags for them just like for you, well on the water and snack side. Always a good idea to call and confirm with the wineries before going.

My ALWAYS ITEMS before heading out for a day of wine tasting

Always 1

Always eat before you go out for a day of tasting! If you do not eat you will end up getting very tipsy and even drunk! That is not the purpose of wine tasting and is not part of How to Wine Wine Tasting Etiquette! Also, you won’t really remember the wines you have tasted, that would be a bummer! You might even come home with wines you don’t really like, I have been there and done that so trust me on this point.

Always 2

Always pack yourselves a lunch cooler with food and plenty of water. Bringing easy-to-pack foods like cheese, crackers, bread, salami, deli meats, and of course fruits like grapes, apples, and berries. These are just a few of my must-haves. Very important to keep yourself hydrated, VERY VERY Important!! I cannot say that enough. This will help keep you on track and feeling good the whole day.  Don’t FORGET the wine opener just in case you want to relax at one of the wineries for a picnic.

Always 3

Map out the wineries you want to visit that trip/day, this will keep you on track knowing what and where your next stop is. Some regions are very large and you want to hit 3 to 5 wineries in one day. I have in my experience made sure when I travel to a wine region farther from my home, I like at least 2 full days of tasting. I have gone to wine regions that have 18 to 24 wineries or more, this is why this step can be very important in your planning. Find maps online of the wine region you are going to be visiting. Start planning! I always enjoy this step, it gets me excited about the trip or day. If you don’t make it to all your wineries don’t fret just remember you can always go back and visit them another time, they aren’t going anywhere!

MY Final Thoughts on How to Wine? Wine Tasting Etiquette

How to Wine is all about Wine Tasting Etiquette and how to have a successful day of tasting. This is the beginning of a whole new experience. I absolutely love wine tasting with friends, always a great time! My past includes pouring wine at several wineries in California and through that experience, my love of wine grew along with my knowledge. As luck would have it my friend June worked at a winery and she got me pouring wine at wineries. Best volunteering job I ever had, the best part was I got paid in wine. Wineries are not allowed to do this anymore! Such a BUMMER!

Having something to look forward to is important in one’s life! I have been told people who have something to look forward to in life live longer. Think about that while sipping on a glass of wine. So start planning your day of How to Wine, Wine Tasting Etiquette Day!

I hope you found this write-up helpful in planning your day and adventure in the wine-tasting realm, and that it has given you the confidence to get out and wine taste. This should help you feel comfortable during your first tasting experience. The folks that work at most wineries are very helpful and nice, just let them know it’s your first time and you should be well taken care of! I remember being new to all of this and the wine pourers are some of the most knowledgeable folks out there so sip and learn. Being a newbie can be a little intimidating and that is why I wrote this page for all of you.

How to Wine? Wine Tasting Etiquette, Now Enjoy your day of tastings!

Don’t forget to click here to check out our wine club so you can have your own tastings at home with friends and family. I love hosting wine tasting at my house and we have even done blind winetasting! Oh, what fun that is!

If you are looking for wine pairing and recipes click here to see my page.


All Things COOKING FOOD & WINE is a great place to get information on wine and food recipes, and even pairings. So much to learn here and lots to go through, take your time and check out each page in this category it’s well worth it. I want folks to learn and love learning about food and wine so I am always adding new pages so come back often!

Learn about Wine Tasting Etiquette

How to Wine is all about Wine Tasting Etiquette and how to have a successful day of tasting. This is the beginning of a whole new experience and I want you to get the most out of your day. I wrote this page to help all those who are interested in learning about wine and wine tasting. New or experienced wine tasters will learn about the etiquette of wine tasting with the basics of How to Wine! You should have fun with your journey, enjoy the ride, and please don’t get too hung up on any one thing it will become easier in time.

Check out my Almond butter Toast recipe

2 wine bottles and some berries on toast

Almond Butter toast w/Berries and Chocolate is one of the best ideas! Because making a breakfast meal into an adult appetizer with Wine! Oh MY! I created this recipe for the Wine and Dine show and had a great time doing the show. The category my team was assigned was kid’s snacks made for adults. The first thing I thought of was Almond Butter toast, which I LOVE for breakfast. If you love it then let’s find a way to make it go with WINE, right?

Apple Sauce – Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla

Apple Sauce – Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla is one special apple sauce recipe! The Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Paste makes it so flipping yummy! I really don’t know any other way to say it. All my friends have tasted this recipe and I have gotten amazing feedback on how good they think it is. Do try it out yourself and I am sure you will love it too.

Wine Pairing Recipies from our Wine and Dine Show

Enjoy exploring this page! You will find great recipes! You don’t have to worry about the guesswork they have all been paired with wines from our wine of the month club. What an amazing group of gems in recipes and wine. Enjoy going and seeing the pages and write-ups from our Wine Club Members.


Wine Season is all Seasons

Wine is a year-round celebration for people. This page will take you on a little adventure of Wine Magic! I learned about some of these tidbit facts as I became a wine taster, pourer, and enthusiast. The monthly wine club I am in gives you much more than the Best Wine from Napa and Sonoma California.

Churros, who knew they would become gourmet delights!

Because we all love Churros so much we have found a great company that has kits so you can make fresh hot Churros at your home or order Bake-N-Serve so all you do is bake them! You have got to see these and for Football Sundays, Parties, and Birthdays, all your friends will love you!

Churros and Wine?

Churros and Wine? Yes, Churros and Wine are wonderful together! Churros are similar to a cake so they work very well with Wines. Let’s see what wines pair well with Churros and let’s include some dipping sauces and sprinkles!

Coffee, Coffee, Coffee!

We have found the best way to lose weight through adding a creamer to our favorite coffee. This is yummy weight loss magic. Add and enjoy. We all have our favorite coffee and check out how this creamer goes with them all.

Fine Wines Delivered to your Door!

Get Napa and Sonoma Wine delivered to your front door monthly, imagine some of the best wines in California delivered to you! WOW, where do I sign up? But this isn’t all, you will have tasting notes too.

Wine and Prohibition

Wine and Prohibition in the United States was a sad time for the industry and our wine history. Prohibition was from 1920 to 1933 and it was a constitutional ban which meant people voted this into law. The people felt tricked into a “YES” vote, they were led to believe wine and beer would still be allowed. It wasn’t! Prohibition was a ban on the production, importation, and transportation of any type of alcoholic beverage including Beer, Wine, and Whiskey

Wine Corks Pros and Cons

Wine Corks Pros and Cons are essential to know about for your wine’s sake! I didn’t and I lost a few bottles in my early years of collecting. I realize then how important it is. If you are going to start collecting wine you should know about the different types of corks. This knowledge will help you decide on how to store your wine and when to drink them. Because keeping the wine in an appropriate way is a must! Corks are not created equal! Neither are the wines! and our palettes aren’t either!


What would you think if I told you I know about an amazing non-dairy creamer that would…

  • give you more energy
  • improve your mood
  • and create a thermogenic activity to help you burn fat

You would be like WHAT? Well, it’s true, you can go here to learn more.

Fine Wines Delivered To Your Door

Fine Wines Delivered To Your Door, right now the best wines in California can be delivered to your front door! Firstly, you can enjoy the greatest wines at home without having to go anywhere. Secondly, we all love Napa and Sonoma wines. It doesn’t matter where you live, near or far because the next best thing is to have them delivered to your door. The Wine of the Month club is amazing and we will do the delivery for you! Plus you can earn free wine!

YOU will learn everything you need to know on this page about the wine club. This club sends you 2 Reds & 2 Whites every month or you can do 6 bottles of Red or Whites or even a case every month. Custom cases are available for all! I love the custom cases just remember to order early if the holidays are coming! This beautiful boutique winery has a limited amount of all their wines.

Fine Wine delivered to your door. wine glasses filed with different wines for tasting.

Join here: To Our Incredible Wine of the Month Club

Get Your Fine Wines Delivered To Your Door

Wine is delivered to your door every month and if you sign 3 customers up in the wine club you can earn yourself free wine, then your customers can do the same. It’s a win-win for us all! All levels have an annual enrollment fee of $50 a year. The wine club has 4 levels you can join:

  • Customer – 4 Mix Bottles (2red & 2white) – Wine Membership Club $99.95 per month + shipping and handling
  • Customer – With no wine shipment – $59.95 per month to do just the business
  • ESTATE MEMBER – 12 Bottles – 10% Discount on orders – 1-time sign-up fee of $300
  • RESERVE MEMBER – 24 Bottles – 15% Discount on orders – 1-time sign-up fee of $600
  • GRAND CRU MEMBER – 24 Bottles PLUS 6 Bottle Luxury Box – 20% Discount on orders – 1-time sign-up fee of $1200
  • Furthermore, you can upgrade anytime for the difference of the levels.

It’s not just Wine, It’s so much more!

We have many products, think of it as the one-stop shop! Here are a few items to get you ready for a weekend get-together!

  • Monthly Cheese Selection
  • Waygu Bundle #1, #2, or #3, each has amazing offerings – the #1 bundle has the following just to tease you a little bit!
    • 2 Waygu KC Strip (13-16 oz), 2 Waygu Top Sirloin Steaks, 2 Waygu Denver Steaks, 1 Waygu Summer Sausage, 1 Waygu Jalapeno, and Cheese Sausage
  • Ambassador Special Edition Cheese Grotto

Join us for our new Saturday Brunch and Wine Pairing Show!

Join us live on Saturdays at 9:00am (PST) / 9:00am(MST) / 10:00am (CST) / 11:00am (EST) / 12:00pm (AST) on our “Zoom Meeting Room”, look forward to seeing you there!

The Wine and Dine show is a great place to learn about pairing wines from our monthly club. This show only features DTC Ambassador wines from Napa and Sonoma Valley California.

The Worlds Best Wine Makers are in Napa and Sonoma

The Best Wine Makers make these Boutique Fine Wines that can be Delivered To Your Door. The region alone got me to join the monthly wine club. I love these wines and I know you will too. Wines that are made the right way nothing compares! No headaches, no hangovers, no aftertaste or film covering the inside of your mouth! Just clean beautiful wines on your palette!

Fine wines delivered to your door. Fine wine a couple having a meal with wine

Our Wine of the Month Club is a treat! You deserve the best for your hard work in life. Enjoy romantic dinners, music in the park events, and even a picnic in the park or at the beach! These are just to name a few ways you can enjoy your wine-of-the-month shipments. Because our everyday events can be made to be so much more if you bring wine!

Boutique Wines Worthy of a personel Wine Cellar

I want to share with you that these wines from this club are more than worthy to join your wine collection! Because I have an extensive wine collection and my favorites now are from this wine of the month club! These wines are so fabulous and easy to pair with great food. Unique is the best word for them!

Fine Wines are Delivered to your Door Monthly – Time to begin Enjoying the Life Experiences You Deserve!

Because you love wine you should check out my Wine Magic page.


Cooking Food Wine.  Who doesn’t love Great Cooking, Amazing Food and the Gods Gift of Fine Wine.  Be sure to come back to this very Category Page. While we are cleaning up and improving things, this is a huge category that will be updated with so much more. Cooking, food and wine is a huge part of our lives. There is so much more to be added here. We have added several selections to help you enjoy all of this here below:

Churros! Yes you have to see this. Everyone loves Churros. And this (DIY Kit Galore) do it yourself or bake and serve option is going to allow Churros to be hot and delicious for all types of events. Or just because. See the Churro Fun Here:

Coffee or Rather Something you Add to your Favorite Coffee: This is an incredible find. This is a non-dairy creamer you add to your favorite beverages. It increases your mood, your energy and creates thermogenic activity to help you burn those unwanted fat cells. It also helps to lose those unwanted inches in those places we don’t like finding them in. This is MAGIC in bio-hacking science. Get started with fast 2 day delivery (free shipping) here:

Fine Wines Delivered To Your Door:
 Get access to Fine Wines from around the World in this exclusive and delicious Wine Club.  Experts from all over the World, from every Region are selecting and providing the Fine Wines of the World direct to you at exclusive Member Pricing.  Start Enjoying the Wine Here:

This is a huge category page in the works. Be sure to check back as we add more and more items to it. We are all about the food, wine and cooking of life. It is a huge part of our life and we are looking to transform and add so much more to this Category Page. When it comes to everything we do here, there is a huge love and affinity for something. Want to see it? I’ll give you a link for it right here. Be sure to take it in, and get the education provided. It is a huge part of our lives and we hope you join it with us. What a powerful part of this entire System and work that we do here.

Welcome to our Online Community.

We would like to welcome you to our online Community of Deals, Offers and stuff that is impressive. We are pleased to be here offering you an incredible service of keeping you in the know with incredible things available online.

You see; no matter how great a new service or new product is, if you do not know about it, you cannot take advantage of it.

That is what we are here to help with. We are constantly finding and adding incredible finds online here on this Community Site.

We have been trying to cover several different areas of interest. Because of this; will be adding some very unique additions in the days to come.  So keep posted.  Some of them have time limits to their availability so be sure to register so you’ll get the Email notifications when this is happening.

GO HERE, then, Register for Community updates in the Entry Form directly on the Right.

One of my favorite finds is: Wine Magic.  You can see that in the Arts & Entertainment Section.  This an amazing program that literally is a huge savings and quality addition to anyone’s life. Furthermore, it adds so much to our quality of life today and into the future. In addition; it is always fun and entertaining!

From A to Z (in this case T) we cover a broad range.

Plus; we are adding things all the time.  We order products and services to check them out ourselves. Then, when they work; and the savings are there, we share them here.  All located in their proper category (see to the left).

So we hope you have just as much fun seeing what is in store for you here, as we did finding them in the first place! You will want to bookmark our page, and keep checking as we add things. We have an amazing e-newsletter that we only send out updates and key information on amazing deals. No need to worry about us selling or sharing your info, ever. Because we do not share info with anyone, ever. We appreciate you being a part of what we are doing here. So we are looking forward to several more decades of sharing. 

It is like having a new car.

You keep finding more things that it does month after month. Then in 4 years from now, you’ll find out that you had all sorts of cool things that you never used prior. Here you will find things in each Category. We add to them all the time. Sometimes we add an entirely new category. Always changing and adding. 

Want to see our latest incredible find? See it here. Cause this has been changing lives. And it isn’t something you would ever get in a store. Online only… and here!

This is our passion and our way of keeping engaged in the ever-changing World around us. Thank you for stopping by again and again. 

All things Arts and Entertainment

We spend a lot of time in Entertainment.  Arts and Entertainment literally help create where the Internet is today.  From giving us access to television, movies, and games.  See these amazing and entertaining programs and finds online here. And you will see that we are part of the New Ways. These new ways empower the people. We are spreading wealth and happiness around the globe.

all things arts and entertainment

Awesome Gifts: From incredible Wine Openers and Wine Gifts to Surprises that are added to this Incredible Online Find for the Best Gifts. This is a super special find especially for those hard to buy for people in our lives. All things arts and entertainment has a great source for fun with this one. See the Awesome Gifts Here:

Wine Magic: Entertainment in it’s finest moments often includes the essence of Fine Wine. Be it Romance to Food and Wine Events, we all agree that the addition of Fine Wines into your Life is an absolute must. See the details and get connected with our Incredible Wine Access Here:

The amount of online Entertainment and All Things Arts and Entertainment available is unbelievable. Furthermore; what is more “unbelievable” is that our Entertainment has ways of helping the World. Keep visiting here for new stuff all the time. Because if you look at the programs above; you will find some of the most entertaining additions to our online entertainment. Furthermore, be sure to visit us often as we update and add even more.