Dream Bigger Than Ever Before

My challenge today is to write a blog page on my “Dream Bigger Than Ever Before” dreams! In this life, I will manifest my Life Dreams! This is challenging! I don’t remember anyone in the past ever telling me or supporting me in making my dreams come true. WOW, writing that just made me feel really sad. It’s no fault of family and friends it’s me. I don’t think I asked for their support or even knew how to ask for it. Let’s leave the past in the past and move into my Dream Bigger Than Ever Before LIFE!

My Dream Bigger Than Ever Before Dream…

Maverick my son

My #1 why is my son Maverick, he is the most important person to me in my life. Mav is the biggest-hearted person I know and I am so proud of him. for who he has become. He has grown into a wonderful person! And WOW he can cook and is the best at seasoning food, it’s a gift of his and we love cooking together. Big movie watcher and he is the funniest person to hang out with. I wish him to be happy and healthy! If I can inspire him to believe in himself and achieve his big dreams is my dream! I would feel fabulous! I want to share my blessings with him and show him the world and the best life he can live. He is my #1 why!

Helping others with their Dreams

Helping people around the world achieve their dreams is a dream of mine. I want to be that person who tells them they can achieve all their Goals and Dreams. Making the world a better place is something we can achieve if we are open to helping each other.

For me to help others I have to help myself and get myself to the place and mindset to be here to help others. Focus on growing my business to help others grow theirs. Manifesting my success in 2023! I will grow my business to levels of CSI, PSI, and MSI.

My Wine Label

I have a wine label ready to go! Lisa G, Star Dust Chardonnay will be coming to you soon. I can just imagine this wine and my label sitting on the tables of friends and family. They are loving the wine! Sharing the wine with my label on it with them, nothing better! Another Dream Bigger Than Ever Before DREAMs! I love Wine and sharing wine with others. I have poured wine in wineries in the Livermore Valley in California. Well here is the wine label that I already see on a wine bottle! My happy place…

  • Pouring wine
  • Drinking wine
  • Sharing wine
  • Talking wine

A Home and a Cat Cafe where homeless kitties can be loved and adopted.

The love of a kitty is so very special and sandpaper kisses are the best!! I have seen so many kitties with no home and my heart just breaks! I love the new Cat Cafes that have opened up in the last few years. Fantastic idea and I will support this idea by having my own and giving as many kitties a home and a safe place to grow and thrive. This is my kitty Sprocket he is 11 years old and is the sweetest kitty I have ever had. He is part MainCoon so he has an extra lovable personality.

Being a Jet Setter

Traveling around the world staying in a villa in Italy for a month at a time. Always traveling first class! Of course, this is just the begging! Sharing my abundance with friends and family is what I want to do! the more the merrier is my motto and I got that from my MOM Dorathy M Karlson (Florentino is her maiden name). I see myself throwing long get-together travel trips with family and friends. Drinking the best wines, and having a wind suitcase to travel with will make it even better! DTC Ambassador Wines will travel. Eating the best foods and staying in beautiful resorts all over the world. Having at least a few homes that friends and family can also use even if I am not there. I want to share my blessings!

Over, Over and Over again the abundance of my finances, health, and relationships.

My Homes

A beach house is a must! California is home and the beach is my happy place. Very relaxing and it is in my blood and life! The house sits right on the sand and dunes, you just step from my back patio onto the sand, oh baby this is sweet! At least two stories are a must so you have ocean views from the decks of the bedrooms upstairs. It will be the place everyone loves to go to and relax. It has…

  • Two kitchens
  • Sleeps 18 people so my son invites his friends too. I am Momma Bear to Mav’s friends.
  • Hot Tube on the deck
  • Elevator for the elders
  • Views of the ocean
  • Volleyball
  • Large fire pit
  • Carved stair railing with mermaids. whales, manta rays, and turtles.

In the living room near the fireplace, I see my family and friends playing games and doing puzzles. Great fun is being had by all. Quilt retreats every year for my quilting girls. I can smell wonderful things from the kitchen. We have some great cooks in the family! I know the kitchen is the heart of a home and the warmth of conversations is key. The result is my home is and does feel like a home you can take your shoes off and relax and of course, stay a while!

House #2

Let me tell you about my Log Cabin home. Doing my research on the location now. It is near skiing, and water sports. Christmas at the cabin I believe will be a must-do! Looking forward to white Christmases and snowmen in the yard. Beautiful trees and green meadows to take walks. Read a book on the large porch that goes all the way around the house with multiple doors to get in and out of the house. The inviting kitchen is very large for all the great cooks in my family. The kitchen and the living room share the River Rock stone fireplace. Have you ever walked around a fireplace? They are beautiful! The family room and kitchen are open-concept.

  • A library and movie viewing rooms will be large with comfy
  • Oversized chairs and couches plus reclining chairs.
  • Hot tube is a must in all my homes.
  • Wine cellars
  • Bar with big beautiful mirrors and something with antique woodworking.

Dreaming Bigger Than Ever Before is happening now!

I Have Always Been a Dreamer kind of Gal!

At a young age, I remember being a dreamer! My Dreams are really BIG! With this said I am having to open myself up to being worthy of my dreams! I am worthy, I deserve all my dreams! MY mantra I say to myself now every day.

I have struggles believing!

Do you have that horrible little voice in your head that wants to sabotage your Dreams and everything else? Do you do this to yourself too? I think it is very common and a struggle for many people just like it is for me. I now am working on changing that recording in my little voice to make my dreams a reality and not sabotage them! Write out your mantra!

  • Tape it to your bathroom mirror
  • Put it on your frig
  • Have it in your car.
  • Read it every day and many times a day.

21 days and you can change the recording in your head! This is my goal!

Believing in yourself

I am just starting to believe in myself this year 2022! My blogging site which is what you are reading right now is the biggest reason why I am believing in myself now. I am working with an amazing team of people from RRR247. I believe in it! There is no going back to the negative in my past there is only moving forward to my big dreams! It is a wonderful feeling to believe in yourself and know I will achieve my big dreams!

  • You can achieve all your dreams
  • We believe in you
  • We will never give up on you

In Turn, I say

  • I can achieve all my dreams
  • I believe in myself
  • I will never give up on myself

The Other side of Fear

Never give up on yourself or your Dreams! Can I inspire just one person to really believe in themselves and to change the direction of their life? Rory and Tanya said my success is on the other side of my fears! I had to think about this one for a few days and really let it sink in. They are correct! Facing my fears! Resulting in them disappearing and my success started to flow toward me. Things feel different, and obstacles melted away. Life is easier! Your action items are simple and create forward movement!

Dreaming Bigger Than Ever Before, I will achieve my Dreams!

Will you?

Online Marketer – Why?

Online Marketer – Why? I want to tell you my why so you can think about your why. Marketing is Freedom and I want Freedom in my life! I am a single mom and I want to leave my son something for when I am gone. I would like his later years to be relaxed and peaceful. No worries are my blessings to him. Now, I want to travel and be able to work and be creative anywhere I might want to travel to, and stay for a month if I want. Because money is always coming in and abundance is in my life! This is my Freedom!

Online Marketer – Why? FREEDOM!

Marketing is Freedom remember this always! I don’t know of any other career that can give you flexibility and income without a college degree. I did not go to college and I have always had a job and worked hard for my money because I had an employee mindset! I also never had any extra money I just lived paycheck to paycheck. Because I want to be honest with you that SUCKED! I couldn’t do much of anything except pay my bills and get food. I never had savings in my life until I was in my mid 50’s. I think about this fact and it scars me because I was so vulnerable for most of my life, I don’t want that for you I want you to be happy and worried-free.

  • when paying bills
  • taking care of your family
  • taking family vacations
  • car repairs
  • home repairs
  • all the things that come up unexpectedly in life

Are you feeling vulnerable?

Ask yourself Online Marketer – Why? Well first you have to be willing to work for what you want, Can you do that? Will you do that? How much do you want it? How badly do you want to change your direction in life? So what’s your WHY? I recommend you sit down and really think about this and write it down so you can read it again and again. I read mine daily! I have been told it takes 21 days to change a mindset or habit. Read it dailey and you will be transformed in 21 days on where you are going in your life. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain and it cost you nothing but a few minutes a day!

Online Marketer – Why? Change your Life!

Mountain range with 2 small people at the top of the ridge. Green mountains and clouds with blue sky and a saying of OH, the Places you'll Go, By Dr. Seuss

Your WHY will Truly help you achieve your goals. As the picture says Oh, the Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss is what I love to think of when I picture my WHY and my future life. Make sure you have a clear WHY reason. You need to be clear on what you are asking for and manifesting in your life!

Go here to see more about Online Marketing!

I am making my dreams and goals come true I hope you make yours come alive too!

Check out my Dream Bigger Page for inspiring my WHY!


All Things SELF HELP and PERSONAL GROWTH is something we should all be working on consistently and always.  Growing is part of who we are.  Mentally, ;emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Because we are all about becoming the best person we can be; it should be an everyday focus, goal and achievement.  As we continue to build our better “us” we will list and share finds online that help with doing just that. As a result we can better ourselves day by day.

How to learn a new language by yourself at home is here! We have been really looking for a way that works for learning a new language, and we have found it. It by and far something we never thought was a true solution for learning a new language. As a result; It makes sense, and we are thrilled to have found it. The sooner you get started the better, see for yourself here:

Dream Bigger than Ever Before

My challenge today was to write a blog page on my “Dream Bigger Than Ever Before” dreams! In this life, I will manifest my Life Dreams! This is challenging! I don’t remember anyone in the past ever telling me or supporting me in making my dreams come true. WOW, writing that just made me feel really sad. It’s no fault of family and friends it’s me. I don’t think I asked for their support or even knew how to ask for it. Let’s leave the past in the past and move into my Dream Bigger Than Ever Before LIFE!


Make Money with Performance Blogging: Join the Millions of People already working from home and working online to make money with the power of the Information Superhighway. If you have not created a way to make money using the power of the Internet you need to see this. It has provided a way to connect, share, build, explore and create like nothing ever before. As a result; Performance Blogging not only creates a way to interact and be a part of the Internet, but provides a way to make money, and even create amazing lifestyles from it.  SEE WHAT IS AVAILABLE FOR YOU IN LINK POST BLOGGING HERE

All Things SELF HELP and PERSONAL GROWTH is here for you. Because we are seeing new things being added all the time; we get to add some incredible things here. Furthermore, the category of self help can be best shared through the book Marketing Is Freedom. Go here and access it. Use coupon code: freedom. This will give you the e-book for free. Our gift to you. As a result you can see where personal growth along with the right community can make things incredible. It is a wonderful planet, let’s enjoy it.


What is Self Help and Personal Growth? I can only tell you what it is to me, you have to find your own definition. I am hoping these pages help you on your path. I believe this is a personal journey that only you can decide how to travel. But, remember you have many things available to guide and support you along the way. Make the decision to work on bettering yourself and be open to growth as the days pass by. Life is so short and we have so much to learn and experience, don’t waste it!

Have you Ever Dreamed Bigger than Ever Before?

On my Dream Bigger page, I took myself to a place I really did not think I would or could get to in my life. Well, my thinking is changing and maybe my Dream Bigger can inspire you to make a move and believe in your life-changing for the better too. If you set your mind to something you can achieve it!

Healing from Covid 19 – my story starts in December 2022

I felt the need to share with those who have gotten a bad case of Covid 19 and found themselves depressed and alone. Telling my story helped me get through it and I hope it might help you too. Please know you are not alone! You will get through it, it takes time.

How to learn a new language by yourself at home is here! We have been really looking for a way that works for learning a new language, and we have found it. It by and far something we never thought was a true solution for learning a new language. It makes sense, and we are thrilled to have found it. The sooner you get started the better, see for yourself here:

self help

Make Money with Performance Blogging: Join the Millions of People already working from home; and working online to make money with the power of the Information Superhighway. If you have not created a way to make money using the power of the Internet; you need to see this. It has provided a way to connect, share, build, explore and create like nothing ever before. Performance Blogging not only creates a way to interact and be a part of the Internet; but provides a way to make money, and even create amazing lifestyles from it.  SEE WHAT IS AVAILABLE FOR YOU IN LINK POST BLOGGING HERE

Because we are seeing new things being added all the time; we get to add some incredible things here. Furthermore, the category of self help can be best shared through the book Marketing Is Freedom. Go here and access it. Use coupon code: freedom. This will give you the e-book for free. Our gift to you. As a result you can see where personal growth along with the right community can make things incredible. It is a wonderful planet, let’s enjoy it.

I am a Marketer

I am so happy to say when I am asked what you do I proudly say “I am A Marketer”. My own hours and schedule my time myself not per someone else’s schedule! This is a Big deal for me! I am enjoying and loving being an online marketer. My own website! Love it and I have a great time updating and adding to it weekly!

Why is online Marketing looked down on?

I remember years ago when I heard someone say Marketing or Marketer I got visions in my head of pushy, loud, people who would never take NO for an answer. These folks give us, new Marketers, a bad image and I am here to tell you it’s very different now! Let that old image of marketers go and open your eyes to see the new world of Marketing! Don’t miss out on this amazing new marketing career. I am a Marketer! and I have a Life Style of Freedom!

I am A Marketer, changing my life for the better!

I am A Marketer and I love it! This has changed my life for the better due to all the training I receive and the new skills I have learned. I write pages on my website, I post ads, and share wonderful products and opportunities with the world. Before becoming a Marketer online I had never written anything except a paper in school. Now I can write about items and things that inspire me and mean something to me. Because of this, I feel Freedom in my life! I feel Inspired in my life! The picture to the right is me I just thought you might like to see what a Marketer looks like now, hehe!

Skill Sets and Creativity

Above I talked about training and learning new skill sets, well here are just a few.

  1. Use multi-media and social sites like FaceBook, Twitter, and Instagram just to name a few.
  2. How to create videos and thumbnails for my advertising ads.
  3. Learn to use apps like Canva for multi-media ads and videos.
  4. The more I write the better I become, so much fun now!
  5. I have grown in self-worth, I am a force in life!

My Business – Why be A Marketer

The first reason is I can share the growth with others and give them what I was always looking for and that was a great career and freedom. Our lives are short in the large picture so enjoy it, live it! We grow with Marketing Partners everyone is a team and we are all growing together towards the same goals.

Next is working as a Marketing Team we all are independent of each other but still working together to achieve our shared goals. The more Marketing Partners we have the more we all create in income and growth as people and team members. We are a Family!

Don’t be afraid to want more in your life, Dream Big and Bigger than you ever could because nothing is too BIG to Dream of and everything is achievable!


The final reason, I get to help others achieve their dreams! As we grow the Marketing team over time you become close to your partners, you are equals, and everything means more because you are working together for the same reasons and outcomes. Helping people is helping families. I want to help as many people and families as I can from all around the world because this career can be done anywhere in the world as long as you have access to wi-fi and a computer.

Let’s work together and change the world for the better! Join here!

RRR247 Review Marketing is Freedom

This is my RRR247 Review Marketing is Freedom. RRR247 is the most amazing Marketing online business that I was lucky enough to find 4 years ago. I will be totally honest with you I did not take full advantage and work the business like I was taught to by my instructors and that is ALL ON ME! If you find a mentor and you do what they do you will get what they have. YOU just have to duplicate what they tell you to do! I believe in this company and the process of the business!

This is not a Scam!

When I told people I got into a Marketing online business called RRR247 they all thought it was BS and a Scam! They took my excitement away and I started second-guessing my decision on joining the business. I allowed people to make me feel bad about something I was so excited about. DON”T DO WHAT I DID! If you are drawn to the business and you feel it is the right thing for you THAN DO IT! Don’t let others influence you in this way as I did 4 years ago.

Flash forward to 4 years later

As of 2022 I am back in business and loving it! I love the people in the company and I trust the process of RRR247 to get me where I want to be and that is to have an Abundance in every area of my life and THIS TIME NO ONE IS TAKING THAT AWAY FROM ME! You can read I am a Marketer here, it’s my story.

Support Beyond Support in RRR247 Review Marketing is Freedom

Here are just a few things you will have in the support area of this program. I have learned so many new skills and I cannot put a value on all of what I have learned but it is worth its weight in gold! Because once you learn these skills no one can take them from you. YOU have them to call upon when needed. Under $100.00 will get you going and what personal at-home business can you get for under $100.00, NONE that I know of!

  • 30 plus years of experience from Rory Ricard and his wife Tanya in the online marketing arena.
  • Multiple Live training Zoom calls weekly.
  • A website that is ready for you to go and work on.
  • Administration Back Office support.
  • Your personal instructor to help you along the way.
  • Teammates who are supporting each other in their goals.

RRR247 Review Marketing is Freedom

Sunset background in Africa, marketing is freedom and a large male lion picture. It also says Discover Time and Financial Freedom in our digital age.

RRR247 allows you to work anywhere in the world as long as you have WI-FI internet. No more J.O.B. you have to drive to and ask for permission to take a vacation. Your life is your life and your income has no limit as long as you are willing to do the hard work. Nothing in life is worth having without working hard to get it!

So what is your WHY? what makes you get up every day? Or even WHO do you get up for every day? This is a really important question to answer, take some time and make sure you know your WHY. You can read my Whys and my Dream page here.

How Bad Do you Want it? Are you willing to put in the time and hard work to get what you want in your life? And your family’s lives?

When is Enough, Enough for you to make the change? Are you there yet? Why I picked Online Marketing.

Go Ahead and Ask Yourself these questions and be honest! Only you can decide when to make a change!

RRR247 Review Marketing is Freedom was my dream job and now I am working for all my dreams.

If you come up with your WHY and you are ready to make a move fill out the form to the right and I will be happy to get you started. I am here to help you in this Amazing Online Marketing Business journey!

I am looking forward to chatting with you and if it’s right we will get you going ASAP!