
Churros are just the Best, aren’t they? They are loved by all! But a good quality home-based maker and mix have been hard to find until now! You can find these yummy little gems all over the place! They taste amazing when they are warm and just cooked! The BEST is always fresh! The most common places to find them are the State Fair, Art and Wine festivals, Concerts, School events, and now your home!

Simply said the BEST Churros are the FRESH Churros!

Making your own Churros at home is going to change your LIFE! Think about the variety you can make and serve for a Sunday Football Gathering with Friends, or Movie Night with the family! Any event is going to be improved just because you now make FRESH Churros at home! The LOVE you are going to get from your friends and family will be awesome!

Churros, Churros, and more Churros!

Black back ground with How to make the dough directions for home made churros.

This company is truly a GEM and it’s all about Churros.

  • Do It Yourself Churro Making Kits & refills
  • Take and Bake Kits (no making just baking)
  • Seasoning Sprinkles (Normal-Warm-Inferno Cinnamon Sugars)
  • Monthly subscription
  • Group orders for Corporate Events and Parties.
  • They ship worldwide

Go ahead and dream about a FRESH HOT Churro in your own home today!

The SMELL alone will get your mouth to salivate! It probably is right now! Nothing better than having your home smell like Churros! Oh what a wonderful smell, right? Your kids, guests, and anyone will go crazy when you make them at home. You will be the house all the kids want to go to for the sleepover, just to have those yummy Churros!

This company makes its own award-winning churro dough from scratch and then handcrafts every churro, frying them to golden perfection! Sprinkle them with the Sugar Cinnamon and they are ready! Just bake and serve. Take-N-Bake Churros are so convenient for those Pot Luck events. All of us are so busy these days we want things fast and easy and these take n back churros are just that, easy!

These churros are artisanally-made in small batches, their sizes, color, and shapes may vary for just that reason.

Get access to all this YUMMINESS here!

Because we all LOVE Churros young and old we will want to keep these kits or some Take-N-Bake ready to go in our homes! The unexpected guest is one of the big reasons I keep these on hand. All events can be made magical with the right snacks, foods, wine, or whatever it is you love to sip on. In my house, it’s Wine Time all the Time!

Don’t forget your WINE!

Just to name a few gatherings and events you would benefit by having the fun and convenience of these kits and Take-N-Bake ready Churros delivered to your door.

  • Birthday Parties
  • Date Night at home
  • Christmas Gifts (Any holiday gift mailed to their door)
  • Anniversaries
  • New Year’s Eve and Day – start new traditions with your family by making Churros!
  • Work Parties or Celebrations
  • Family Movie Night


The memories you can make with your friends and family are priceless! I make as many as you can as often as I can. Try it I promise you will enjoy making them too!

Churros are kind of like donuts, they are soft fluffy little bits of yumminess! They are always good anytime and for any occasion. With tea, coffee, juice, and Fine Wine, Yes I said Fine Wines!

This is a must-have kit in my home and I have it with wine, discover the secret about the pairing of wine and churros.